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Rope Album

This 8-page album has a magnetic closure. It is 61/2 x 61/4" . Makes a fabulous holiday gift or heartfelt thank you present.
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Brand: Mystic Seanotes

This one-of-kind album is 61/2 x 61/4". It has a magnetic folding cover and eight pages. The nautical theme is perfect for any time spent by the ocean. It would be good for that Lighthouse Tour you may have taken or any boating you may have done. t's particularly ideal for a ferry ride. "Landlubbers" could put their sightseeing photos in the pages to remember the beautiful scenic ocean drives.

There are many pockets and fold-out pages that allow room for extra photos or memorabilia and journaling.

The album makes a fabulous gift for any holiday or a heartfelt thank you present.

All of the albums created by Designs by Roni are designed and handcrafted individually.

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