Boutique Online Store Specializing in Beautiful Papers

We carry only the finest quality papers from select designers.

Located at 213 Elm Street in Historic Stonington Borough
Near Mystic Connecticut & Westerly Rhode Island

3-D Star

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Product Details

This elegant star will hang or sit on your tabletop during the holidays with great beauty!

Instructions will be given during the workshop as well as all the supplies needed to create this fabulous design.

Bring lots of glue or plan to purchase glue at the time of the event!

There will be TWO workshops

Friday September 27th and Saturday September 28th

Let us know what day you want when you register.

The class begins at 12:30 PM and will ideally take 3-4 hours to complete.

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213 Elm Street near the Stonington Borough

We are open 12 noon until 4pm on Wednesday through Sunday

Closed Monday & Tuesday

Personal Appointment?  Call (860) 884-3334

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Boutique Craft Store Scrapbooking Scrapbook Cove Paper Craft Stonington Connecticut 213 Elm Street Stonington Greeting Card Crops Classes eCommerce Store